Saturday, March 24, 2007
last week was quite depressing, but as someone said "time is the best healer " so the healing process has started ....... :-)
so back to normal life ,,after all cricket is just game and Insha-Allah many more games to come to cheer about in future so my mind is saying to me that concentrate on your own life rather than other lives and other performances,,stcik to your own one Ana! ..after all u will be accountable for your own deeds only......
Tough last year as it was expected , one presentation on Japan left and one more report to submit, and exam is near and this time (like always :-) ) I want to work hard as hard as possible, this is what people who loves me and cares about me want.......I m planning to do summer internship , my bro, like most of the men gonna give me tough time on this issue. From quite some time when ever I try to talk about doing job in front of him ,,he gets angry. This issue always irritate me .I realy want every thing go smoothly,,so let see what happen ...but i have decided Insha-Allah I will stick with my decision...
Nowadays I m reading a book " mien ne khawabon ka shajar dekha hai" by Umera ahmad .. a very good book to read. Below are the excerpts form a first story "shehr-e-zaat " , I fell in love with the truth ,,its about women 's love towards men ........once bano qudsia discussed the same point in one of her story that women have so much things or (I should ppl ) to fell in love that that they can't fully concentrate on ishq-e-haqiqi, partially she is right. well, I have my own reasons to believe in her partially . Specially when it comes to children they are the blind lovers, inbuilt characteristics of them to love their children in every good and in every bad. one more ,,thought provoking especially for women,,,,,,,,,,but don't generalize but i think it applies to majority of them.......
ishq-e-mijazi mein ziada tar aisa he hota hai:)
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Now that I have figured out, I will be a regular visitor here.
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there is limit defined by Allah for man and woman both,,,and i truly believe in those limits,,,,and mostly the limits Allah defined is not followed ,,,man and woman are equal but in their own ways,,,yup!jub allah ne mard ko rutba diya tu wohi aurat ko bhee rautba ata kiya,,,the problem is in our socity ,,the way we treat woman,,the disresepect i see ,,,don't u see the exploitation against them,,,,,defintelty i m not talking abt the ones who come in tv with mod scod dressings,,,
please throw all of Us into Another planet so will u b able to live ?
bro ! if woman cann't live alone in this planet ,,same with the man..
iqbal ne kaha tha na
" wajood-e-zan se tasveer kainat mein rang
ise ke saaz se hai zindagi ka sooz-e-daro"
commiting suicide and other stuff which is common nowdays because this is what our media is teaching to us ,and more or less many of us are following it....the root of th e problem is that we are not following the deen rightly ,,which has the solution of everything.